Prologue: The Letter Starts

As life is now, how mine came to be, this is my story our story. I would like to leave a record of it for my fellow members of the slaves back with master. They may understand what happened to me and may gain a future of their own. I  have it now I hope they might...

The Young Pianist

A young boy of 12 sat before a piano. He touched its teeth while he remembers how his favorite melody would play. The boy took out the sheet music booklet from his seat and opened it to page seven. His fingers placed on the keys, ready to start, but a hand reached out...

When This Goes Wrong

It is a dark and stormy night. A group of campers is huddled around a campfire telling stories as they roast marshmallows. One of them leans into the other and says, “Gerald won’t you tell us a story.” Gerald paused then smiled as he starts to narrate, “It was a dark...