Can this Help Me write!?!? – AI Tools

Can this Help Me write!?!? – AI Tools

Can this Help Me write!?!? – AI Tools what does it mean for me in writing       Introduction In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been making its way into the world of writing. AI tools such as ChatGPT3 and ChatGPT are being used to help...
When to write a Character

When to write a Character

When to write a Character.   Writing can be about anyone or anything. The subject matter is up to the writer’s discretion. We all wonder about what we want to write about and who it involves. It is only natural. As stated in the last blog, any story can be...
Public Domain: Timeless Stories in Your Writing?

Public Domain: Timeless Stories in Your Writing?

Unleashing the Power of Public Domain: Using Timeless Stories in Your Writing? Introduce Your Idea So you wish to start your new story but need to know where to start. This week we are going to expand on the subject with fairy tales or older classics that can be used...

Chapter 1 – The Darkness

My Faceless Life Ch. 1 - The Darkness by JediChristensen The Darkness I remember two bright lights… That is all that I can remember. I don’t know pain only...

My Faceless Life

   Where am I? Why is every thing black? Wait, is that light? Is this me? What have I become? Where am I?! This is the tale of my new faceless life on an alien world in a new body of constant struggle for survival.   Volume 1 Chapter...

My Work Video Editing Making Music Videos For Fun View Project These are the the videos and music videos that I have made for fun throughout the years that will showcase my ability to have video and music to interlink into a flow to the story to have an enjoyable...

Examples of Editing Photos For this photo I added a little warmth, raising the contrast a little while lowering the shadows for a more balanced look from the colors. For this photo, I added more exposure, lowered the balance, raised the highlights,and lowered the...