Chapter 2 – This doesn’t seem to be a parade.


A red light started to glow from our bodies, while it felt I was getting violently shaken. It made me wonder if this what a doll in the hands of a toddler felt.


As for reappearing in this village was fun. Can you say electrocution? I swear these teleportations get more painful by the hour. I wouldn’t be surprised if that so-called God were a sadist thinking ways to make me squirm. He proclaimed it himself after all. I can only imagine that this grand spectacle would scar the natives. Evens if this is another world; I don’t think humans would take this well. I mean it’s already sunset.


Ya so next was another great shocker for me. Time seemed to stop. A gold coin appeared. My hand. I black screen appeared in front of my eyes, reading; 50/50 chance for blessings or misfortune. This gold coin had the words, for some strange reason in Spanish. After flipping it in the air landed on the ground as it landed on maldad. That is not reassuring.


Humanoid figures seemed to be coming into my fading vision. I passed out cold. The rays of sunlight rested upon my sleeping face, that pace through the barred windows. Wait! Something is incredibly wrong. Soon, I discovered that I am chained to a brick wall.  I had iron restaurants around my wrists, waistline, and ankles.


I seemed to be to have become a prisoner of some sorts. They at least left me with some respect by providing me with a blanket. No bed, a dirt floor, the walls are made of wood. “Maybe an old western type of town?”


I heard chains beginning to move; probably my cellmate if anything. I knew something flashy would get me in trouble. And my first time in jail to boot. I wish not to become a repeating offender. ” Hey is anyone out there? I have questions!”


Asusy wyb vgs jzbo.” It came from the cell next to me. I might as well be listening Cantonese. I didn’t understand a like of it.

In my frustration, I remembered that the Fire Drake had its own language as a skill. So if I copy that skill from my cellmate, I will be able to get some Intel on this village and my situation. As I thought of this a brown-haired cover hand with short claws came through my bares. “Sipm dysiw eTyu.”  I activate appraisal in that split second of surprise.


[race: werwolf LV18 name: Rudge]

Sex: male






Average Offensive Ability:91

Average Defensive Ability:89

Average Magic Ability:5

Average Resistance Ability:20

Average Speed Ability:41


[ theft LV8] [hide sent LV6] [poison resistance LV 1 ] [beast kin language]

[stalk LV 4] [assassination LV 3]

Title: [silent thief] [monster slaughter] [ the bloody one] [lamia slaughter] [enemy of females]

Skill Points: 21

He seems to be in here for either theft or homicide. Just looking at his stats, I will have to watch out for this person. So, let’s copy his language. I activate the copy ability. A white six-sided dice appeared in my left-hand hand. I did not think anything of it and cast the die. It landed on a 2. As the light from it glowed, I suddenly understood how to hid my sent so that people or animals could not track me.

I must have gotten the hide sent skill. Hmmm. I hope I can cast it again on the same individual.  A black notice popped up stating that I can only activate my ability twice on a single individual twice per lifetime. I touched the continue bottom that seemed to appear on that notice board. I rolled the new dice. This time I roll a four. Some weird new language seemed to be flooding my mind. It was harrowingly painful. I might as well creaked my skull open again.

After gaining back what little composure I had; I blurted out, “sorry I did quite catch what you said, sir. Could you please tell me again I only recently woke up.”

He seemed to be clearing his throat if you could call it that. ” So you polite duckweed, what are you in for?”

“I don’t know. I just got teleported here after completing some god’s quest and blackout when I got into the village with the drake corpse.”

“Oy, not the fire drake on the next mounts over.”

“Maybe. Although, I would say that it died of natural causes as it tried to eat me.” I think honesty will get me the answers that I need.

” You idiot! No reckon those she-devils gone and locked you up. You just went and killed their guardian monster that keeper the troublesome ones away. Hehe.”

“You’re saying that it’s my fault that the village might be at risk now!”

“That about sums it up. Those women will kill you as a sex slave, fight until you die to protect the village, or marry you off and go work as an indentured adventure sending money back to the village. As for me, I am to be sold off as a normal slave when the vendor comes.”

“None of those outcomes sound all that wonderful to me.”

” Well, humans are the optimal sexual partners for the lamia race. The fact that you’re strong only makes you more appetizing.”

“Not that it’s not my dream to get married and start a family, but I don’t think I can keep pace with a lamia. Since they are snakes.”

The doors in the front burst open as the charming woman appear. Her silk black her flows to her shoulders, resting on the nape of her neck. Her emerald green eyes could allure any man to steal his heart. Her pear white skin seemed flawless. Only to hide behind her leather battle armor that covered her curves. Lastly, her lower half was that of what, I could think of anything other than a python, which stretches more than 14 feet.

I will need to lock my heart once again, or I am going to be shooting my self in the foot consistently while my eyes are being mischievous. Ya,  sweating bullets here.

She let out her clear voice, “Human male it is time for your trail with the chieftess. If you resist, I will poison you and then forcefully drag you along.”

Well, she shackled my neck and the other restraints that were around my ankles and wrists. They all connected to the restaurant around my waistline.

Next, I was to walk the streets during the day, for all to see. This is not the type of parade I was hoping for.


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