This is the story of Ezra Wood. A young boy blonde hair with little to care about in the world. Just worked hard and true with his dad on the family farm. He never knew his mother, but his father would always tell stories about her and the time he was with her before Ezra’s birth. Ezra always wondered about the secrets of his mother’s past that his father never told.

   Ezra always felt at peace doing menial work on the farm and went in the forest picking berries.

   A storm suddenly blanketed one clear starry filled night that gleaned her brilliance of the night sky; the night sky even blotting out the full moon that plainly shown its light, now gone. The wind raged, but like a good boy he went to lock up the barn returning to his homestead; lightning struck the great old oak tree asunder. 

   Ezra went to see what remained of his mother’s favorite tree on the farm. The old oak was completely split in twain to the route and between the two halves of this great tree was a young girl around his age. Her body seems as if she was beaten, much less then struck with lightning with burns scarring her left arm. Without a thought, as he saw that she was breathing and yet still alive, he carried her with a little difficulty back to the house to tend to his new guest 

   Ezra set her on the sofa as he went upstairs to strip the sheets off his bed to put them around her. She seemed to be running a fever upon which he went to get a cloth and run it under fresh running water, pressing it upon her forehead. Ezra quickly started to stoke the fire with a new log it to warm and give light to the room. The mysterious girl seems to be having terrible dreams as she tossed and turned violently before tiring out her exhausted body in her slumber. The glow of the dim crackling fire trances Ezra into falling to slumber.

   Ezra rousts himself from his sleep seen that the house was still quiet. The girl still laid peacefully in her slumber, while noticing the morning light was starting to flood through the windows. He arose from where he fell asleep, sore and achy he quickly made himself breakfast and set a plate of food at the table in front of his guest that she may have a warm meal when she awakes. 

   Ezra then quickly put on his boots and went out to do his daily chores around the farm and prepare for his father’s return from the city about a day and a half away; to where he goes to sell their crops and extra stock.

   As he went to the barn, he could hear the footsteps of another among the sows and the sound of bales of hay falling from the loft. Ezra slowly open the barn door to see who or what got into the barn, causing a commotion and witnessed his father feeding the sows, readying them for milking. Excitement with his father’s early return, he quickly ran to his side and said, “Father why are you back so early? I wasn’t expecting you until midday.”

   His father turned slowly and gave his son a big old bear hug, smiling with joy in his words, “I felt like I was needed here, so I rushed back home through the night. I only just got back 15 minutes ago and since I didn’t see you; I thought I’d get a head start.” 

   As he let go if his son; he patted down his red plaid shirt and denim jeans. His strawberry blonde hair had some straw in it from the loft and a mess of evidence that he didn’t shower or bathe since it shines with grease. His green eyes shine with the joy of the side of his son, but as he turned to milk the old sow in front of him; his countenance changed as he asked what happened to the old Oak at the side of the house.

   Ezra frantically told his father about the other day’s account. His father waited and listened carefully as he milked the sow. Ezra’s father poured and sealed the milk away.