As life is now, how mine came to be, this is my story our story. I would like to leave a record of it for my fellow members of the slaves back with master. They may understand what happened to me and may gain a future of their own. I  have it now I hope they might have it one day too.

    My name is 24, but my fellow man and servitude call me Days. I have been in the care and servitude of mastery forever since I was born even until I can recall. Not that I haven’t enjoyed my time with the master, for a servant’s main joy is to serve and please their master. Although things are strange and new to me, a free slave, I think back to those humble days with my fellow kinsman of slivered it today in the house of Master Yi.

   We live in a time where the human race, for the most part, has been enslaved to a greater and you race of its creation. We have lived in a symbiotic lifestyle for many generations of humanity, but they do let some of us live a free life in the colonies of the northern content. That is where I now write this account and my tail. My story started when I was with Master Yi one morning while being fitted for the day’s labors.