Alex, a young boy, has been sent from his safe city and home to mysterious and cursed forest to see if he can survive and become a man or just another sacrifice of the wild beasts and monsters of the forest.

   Will running for his life from one of the many monsters within the forest he ran within what looked like an old stone shrine in which the monster stopped its advance but continue to a circle the building.

    Within the ancient structure, symbols of a forgotten language decorated the stonewalling. Walking along the center of the structure stood a single stone pillar and within its carved center, a single gem laid within.

    As curiosity got the better of Alex, he placed his hand over to the gemstone. As the hieroglyphs began to glow, the pillar itself started to swivel downward. The entire building began to shake, and Alex believes the ground itself would swallow him whole. The encircling beast ran away, so too does the forest itself seem to flee in all directions.

    Structures of stone and mortar spring from the ground like shoots of bamboo. Soon to did great walls erect themselves around this grove of stone. The old shrine soon to started to ascend to the heavens, giving Alex an overview of an ancient citadel. From around the surrounding towers pale black crystals floated above sending beams of mysterious black light to the tower that Alex is within, becoming a focal point.

    Looking over the city, Alex could continue to see, great tendril vines that rushed to the outer walls. Black light continued to gather over the focal point becoming a ball of energy. As the forests tendrils were taking over the walls, beams of light cut the vines.

    Screams echo through the forest as if a wounded beast, raving with murderous intent. The vines continued to grow on the outer edges of the walls, like great trees, hundreds of meters tall, encircled the citadel. Branches started to droop over the walls, stopping its’ advances inside. The forest quickly quieted down as more structures of the city continue to grow from the ground.

    Alex was at lost for words, as he keeps looking at this mysterious sight of what seems to be a living city of stone. What he’s got himself into, he knows not. All we can think about now is how to survive and get back home. To give is no good father A good sock in the groin.