Prologue Day 1


My name is Sedich Day; I am a college student in my second year.  I’m 22 years old, at 195 pounds. I have brown hair, blue, grayish eyes and I hope that is enough of a description for you. This is the story of how my life changed greater than I would have thought. As my grandma’s old stories started so did this one.


It was a normal day just like any other if it is a dark and stormy night and l was coming home on the train. Sleep took me in her conferring embrace. I think it is ironic that as I write these stories of fantasy that I would be pulled by some otherworldly power and would pull me from my slumber; into a story of my own.


As I woke up; I found it odd that I seemed to be laying on a forest floor. I don’t remember that I would have a dream this vivid before. It was all unfamiliar to me. It seemed to be majestic oaks; that reach the sky as the redwood pine, but what hung down was not nuts but what looked to be blue cherries.


In my confused state of mind, the first thing I did was to offer a prayer and see what my surroundings and my condition were. “Ok, so I have all my internal organs, so no one stole my kidney.” As I scratched my head, I mouthed. “Did someone just kidnap me and ditched me in a forest as a cruel joke.” I let out a sigh, a bright light as bright as burning magnesium appeared before my slightly blinded vision.


As I regained my vision somewhat; I saw a personage before me. Seemed to be male with bright golden hair. His clothes seemed to be made of material finer than silk. They were robes of gold, scarlet and black fabrics that seemed to radiate light and power. Clearly, some person of great power stood before me. From my understanding, he could be no angle, so maybe a devil or other sort of being.


This being gave me a smile that would give any lawyer the sweats. He didn’t look like an exalted or resurrected being. So before he spoke my mouth spurted out, “I don’t know who or what you are, just don’t ask me to worship you.”


This figure darted near me with an elated face. I am feeling pretty freaked out; I don’t feel like my life is in peril. Ya, as he opened up his mouth with his Cheshire cat smile he jeered, ” Helooow, are you ready to be my entertainment for your time on this planet, young man?”


Know what? I don’t know how to reply so maybe a retaliation with my own question. With a shaky voice I croaked, “So does that mean you want to torture me to death, like a homicidal maniac?”


This being put his hand to his chin; in deep thought, as he proclaimed, “as the God of this world I wish not to kill or take a life out right! Although I could. I digress that you shall be my entertainment as a new resident of my world. This way I shall give thee one of those whimsical power modifications you thought would be nice to have when you were a child.”


“I am sorry. If this is indeed not my planet or my earth may you inform me of where I am? As I know I should never tempt a god,” I respectfully replied.


“This” proclaimed God, smiled as he mouth, “yes I understand your intentions and the free will that you once fought for. So I am going to have you live and survive here with your new found life.” As he smiled, sweat started to go down my back. “This is another universe outside of your god’s domain. Now time for the blessing and the curse!”


You know that nauseating feeling you that all will go wrong. With my teeth starting to chatter as a jackhammer, “what about a curse?”


“Well, everything has a price or comes with a catch. For you, that is to entertain this god with the struggles of your life and so I wish not to repeat myself anymore.


Now your life and the trials and blessings will be determined by dice and coin tosses. Whether it be for your good for misfortune will help you decide this.”


I think I might be ready to throw up now. “So who will be rolling the dice and flipping the coin?”


“You will see my boy; take your fate into your own hands. The powers are teleportation, cloning, copy ability, unlimited shadow manipulation, psychokinesis, and imagination materialization.”


A dice materialized in my hand which shocked me in that instant. I dropped the dice from shock, and it stopped on a three. The white six-sided dice started to glow red as my mind felt as it was being smashed in.


With a snicker in his voice, “so you got your op copy ability. I hope you don’t mind me making some tweaks to my fancy. Your ability will either copy or steal the target’s ability and I will give you the appraisal ability and to manipulate your current stats as you see fit. However, you won’t be taking any or your current abilities over with you. As a stern face appeared on this proclaim to God he, muttered, “Just think your life as a video game and have fun with it. For that is the reality of this world of magic and swords that you now live.”


Is it just me or is he getting bored? You know that’s some irritation causing expression he just made. So as I recovered from this monstrous migraine I voiced, “so what now?”


A smile started to creep on his irritating face. “I will roll this 20 sided dice to see the difficulty of where you’ll start your journey and my entertainment.”  He has a smug face that you would want to punch, but I need to restrain myself.


As the emerald dice came to a stop on 17, an open menu board popped in front of me stating. Brave warrior for you are to go to the lava pits of the blackened mountains in the stonewall continent; there you shall face the fire drake.  Whether you live or die shall be determined by your ability. Remember young warrior it is not the destination but the journey that you travel. May the gods bless you on your journey?


It seemed that my body was being broken apart as it disappeared from the light that surrounded me. My body was going numb as I seem to disappear into nothingness.


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