Writting Fantisy

Gateway to worlds abound

Travel to new worlds

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Chapter 1 – The Darkness

The Darkness I remember two bright lights... That is all that I can remember. I don't know pain only that my entire being was being dragged down in a cold liquid, slowly consuming me and all warmth in its freezing embrace.      All is now darkness, all is black. I...

My Faceless Life

   Where am I? Why is every thing black? Wait, is that light? Is this me? What have I become? Where am I?! This is the tale of my new faceless life on an alien world in a new body of constant struggle for survival.   Volume 1 Chapter 1

My WorkVideo EditingMaking Music Videos For FunThese are the the videos and music videos that I have made for fun throughout the years that will showcase my ability to have video and music to interlink into a flow to the story to have an enjoyable experience. In the...

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