Every person has worn a mask in their life. No? If not for a moment or two. I dare say that is a vain thing to do. Trying to hide who you really are. Well, you might just want to think about that another time.

This tale tis about a lad of the age of 16 years of life as mortal organism. Now what was the lads name. Ah! Shirou Sky, a dim youth with a mind that of the cat that had curiosity take it’s life. Shirou was procrastinating which of the places around town that he may procure a costume for his school dance.

Unfortunately he found an antique shop and messed with things that were better left but not alone.

No that boy freed me and my cohorts into the world to start our little game once again. Oh, how accursed are all those that knew him. Tis the season of fear, tis the season to show your masks. If this is Shirou reading this account. Well…

-Thank you for releasing me. Our great savior and Fool!


You can see the faster updates for this story at 1) Royal Road https://www.royalroad.com/profile/405779/fictions

                                                                                                         2) Wattpad  https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/353409167-masks-of-the-masked


Volume 1

Chapter 1