by | Jan 23, 2022 | Blog Post

Lackadaisical Thought When Your Writing a Monstrous Concept


When we all want to write a story, that monster of a blank page always stares us down, and some think it is mocking us. Well, don’t get tied down by thoughts of anxiety or depression because I am here to tell you that writing is only as complicated as you make it out to be.

Locked within everyone, there is a mountain of knowledge that we use for our everyday need or want as we continue to function in society. The trick is how to use it to write a story. That is when many writers start to struggle. We usually need an idea, concept, or inspiration to write the story. This is typically a case in point, but it is more to the point for self-reflection on who you are, what your interests are, and what drives you to be who you are. If that sounds like a lot of psychological junk, well, you would be right.

Writing, like most art, is a form of expression and can be as organized or a wreck as said individual given form. The first is to find out what type of writer you are and learn to live yourself. Even if me and myself are plotting in the corner and I don’t know what is happening now.

The main types of writers are planners, pantsers, or some combination of the two. A planner will plan out and organize the story and have set out from start to finish so they can come back and always know where they are and how to finish no matter what is happening in their personal lives. A pantser is someone who flys by the seat of the pants and writes in the moments, not with any indication of what happens next. A pantser may even be excited to see just that as they write out the next scene. The problem is that this can lead to the main character’s death or is more often associated with writer’s block. The worst of pantsers are those that write and have no direction of thought and change topic in a long thought without continuity. You could look at this relative that will talk your ear off in the text. So be aware of who you are.

Then there is the hodgepodge of both as one. I belong to this group as I plan things out and the personal interactions and dialogue that lead to the next set of events are made or changed to fill my wants and desires. I personally try to be a more character-driven story writer. Many different writers will play to what they know, feel, remember, and personal wants to be portrayed in the themes and ideas of the story, or you may as well be asking what purpose it has in the first place.

I personally like to understand what is happening in the known moment and get to know the individual of the characters as a whole and not a sequence of events with our brains turned off. No, I believe that is part of the creation process.

Now that part is out of the way, let’s talk about the elephant that could be on your shoulder. Is it real or a plushy? How are you letting everything get to you, and are you getting what you want to be done? If the answer is no, sir, then all we can do is get our nose to the grindstone. No? Well, that depends on each person differently if you are like me and have a concentration problem, even the dreaded A.D.D or A.D.H.D. whatever they want to call our so-called condition or supper power. That is beside the point. You need to let your mind relax and wander a little before finding a treasure from rolling in a grassy field or exploring the woods. It is important to think like a child in the creative process and ask a lot of questions or think of things that make you laugh and note them down.
Great examples could be found from the stories of the creators from Pixar or Rick and Morty in how they come up with story ideas. The point is that we are making something from what we already know or are learning when we write; it is a process and can be a mess.

In art, they say the best art is the ones that are stolen. It is a concept that everything is something that is learned from observation of other people’s work coping with their methods, and making them your own. The same can revolve around writing ideas as well. Many people take old stories and give them different personal twists on them. One such story is Cinderella. If you search it, there are books, spinoffs, movies, tv shows, comics, and many others that have slightly changed and reworked into a carbon copy and still sell well. It is not good to plagiarize as it shows a lack of Intelligence and no passion for any work. So I say try to have fun and make a Frankenstein’s Monster of a story instead. Take a little from here and a little from there and weave it into a brand new idea that you love.

For example, you could take stories to form The Great War, Cinderella, StarTrack, Romeo and Juliet, and War of the Worlds, and you could change it into a love story between a human and an alien from a race invading earth or vice versus. The potential is all that is limited to our desire and what monsters we can create from.



Written by JediChristensen

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