I’ve Been Promised to a Demon


In my world beings of physic and spiritual manifestation come into existence. These being are known as gods, demons, and guardians. Their natures and roles take shape from the people and the environment that nourished these beings at their beginning while fueling their roles.

It is the will of the World Life Entity that these being fight with man upon their creation in glorious battle and claim dominion on over the other. For those gods and demons that lose to the man, become guardians and are put under the dominion of a caretaker. When the caretaker life extinguishes; the battle for dominance begins anew.

When the god or demon wins, they rule over the populous according to their nature. Once these being rise to power they must choose a spouse from among all of the life forms that are in their district.

As one such city that lost in this battle, I was chosen by the demoness, to be her spouse and will soon be wed. This is our story.


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Volume 1


Chapter 1 part (1,2,3)