Chapter 1 – With Great Choices, Comes Great Success

As I stepped out into the blinding light; time started to slow down yet again. The black popup window appeared in front of me. That same cursed gold coin.

Saying time to test your luck for how things will go your way. I tossed the coin, and it landed on suerte. I don’t feel any more luck. And look who showed up now. The pop-up window and a 20 sided dice appeared in my right hand. The blood red die fell from my hand. My heart was beating out of my chest.

I tossed that scary die from my hand as it left my hand I felt as if my heart would stop from the anticipation. It stops. It exploded as it flickered like a sparkler, showing a 19 in the air.

I felt the anxiety in my heart lessening, but thinking however that I am off to who knows where. I don’t know what to do. Well, time is starting to spend up again.

As my eyes adjusted to the light what appeared in my vision was this lamia village. “This is a village?!” I bleated out in shock. I don’t know how they did this. Maybe magic?

Every building like structure seemed to have been cut out of obsidian. Some we erected from the mountain’s sides or standing alone. These towering black crystals seemed to have smaller structures extending from them.

If these are lamias, do they use stairs? Wait! Was that cell I was in? I looked back at the building. It looks like a wooden shack. “What are you Lamias thinking keeping prisoners in a shack when these buildings look more secure?!”

She looked at me with her eyes in slits. I think she’s discussed with me, such a look of disdain; this is a first. Come on give me some reply. She opened her mouth and closed it again as she dragged me along with the cord around my chains.

As I stumbled through the chains, a befuddled voice seeped out of my mouth, ” Do you treat all humans like this? Or am I special?”

This Amazon warrior looked at me. Lowering her gaze and meeting my eyes, saying, “How uncultured are you? We are all part of the human race! Just cause most of the men, and our strongest warriors are out subjugating. You think that I will endure this great insult. Where are you from, Dragonuet?”

I am speechless. Well better see where this goes. Maybe I won’t shoot myself in the foot. ” Sorry if I sound crazy, but we’re different species. At least where I come from all females have legs just like mine; from birth.”

She gave me a questioning gaze as she opened her mouth saying, “What sort of weird girls are born old?”

“Are you able to grow legs and lose your snake torso,” I voiced confusion.

“What sort of rock were you raised under,” she snapped at me. “Prisoner, we shall continue this in your inquisition. Don’t say a word.” She just continues to drag me along.

I sigh in my heart. Looking around, I start to see many lamias slivering around the buildings. Some men were around too. I saw some women walking around. It made me doubt what my guide said. Well, that was until I saw that their scaled arms.

From all those stories I’ve read would always put us as different species that could share children but not the same species! Maybe the God of this world is different than mine. Perhaps his wife is something like those species mixed or something?

Well, I will ask about the history and religious beliefs latter. I don’t need to be burned like a witch at the stack.Ugh, what am I going to do? I’m cursed, have a broken skill, flame retardant, and I have all of my internal organs; but a prisoner.Oh, that right! I can see what skills I have! I did a lot of things back on earth; I probably have a lot of skill.

“Appraisal, have you ever heard of this skill?” She just looked at me with scorn filled eyes. Well, silence is a virtue. I heard a ping in my mind.

[race: Human LV2 name: Sedich Day]

Sex: male






Average Offensive Ability:20

Average Defensive Ability:15

Average Magic Ability:3

Average Resistance Ability:5

Average Speed Ability:12

Skill:[ lucky theft or copy] [luck by dice or coins] [fire immunity][human language] [beast kin language][hide sent LV6]

Title: [world traveler] [beloved] [cursed by the gods]

Skill Points: 600

These stats don’t look all that great. Will a house cat be able to kill me? Embarrassing. Well, might as well see what these skills and titles mean.

Fire immunity: immune to all fire elements and temperature of heat, but not limited to friction resistance.

Lucky theft or copy: this ability gives the user to copy or steal the ability of the target. A dice sided with the number of abilities present will appear. The number rolled will copy or steal the corresponding ability. The user will be permitted to use said ability thrice daily.

Hide sent: the knowledge and skills know to hide sent and lightly hid presences of the individual.

World traveler: having traveled between worlds.

Beloved is well like-able to all you meet. How loved you depends on your actions and the character of the opposing party.

Cursed by the gods: you have received a curse form a God that is now a part of your nature.

Skill points: pints of experience that can be used to buy skills, abilities, or status points.

Should I save them up? There should be a way to exchange them. Magic manipulation, understanding, space displacement, or maybe an adaptive gauntlet. The possibilities seem endless.

I was told that I could move my stats around. How do I do that? Can I touch this status menu in front of my eyes? I will probably look like a spacious idiot moving my hands around. Maybe I can change stats by just thinking it. Okay, I can’t seem to be able to do anything. I was scammed wasn’t I! Shouldn’t we be there soon? I wonder if I will be found out if I scan my intimidatingly beautiful guard or as a chimp once said vexingly sexy. Wait that’s not important.

Well, it might be possible to scan her while thinking it. I think it is chantless magic or abilities. Well, know thy enemy, which she might be. I mean this ability of mine might have already shot myself in the foot. This cloth is drafty. I need to lose some weight. Do I I look too fat I have somewhat of a good build with some definition…..

Wait what am thinking. ‘Scan!’

[race: Human LV58 name: Sara Dimondpit]

Sex: female






Average Offensive Ability:200

Average Defensive Ability:93

Average Magic Ability:70

Average Resistance Ability:89

Average Speed Ability:189

Skill:[poison creation LV 3] [staff arts LV 4] [poison resistance LV 2][constrict LV 3] [human language]

Title: [village princess] [warmonger]

Skill Points: 12

Hmm She might be either the village idol or a real princess. Better not read into it. Now should I just go along with this or pray for the strength to break my chains and hope for the best.

“I don’t know what is going on in your pea-brain, but give it up. We are already here, The House of Inquisition, Sara said.

“Can you read me so well. Quick, what am I thinking? Can you know my soul,” I chided. She smacked me on the back of my head. Then she dragged me into the crystal building.