In a white space as far as the eye could see, lay a single body in gray rags beginning to wake up. A mirage of an old wolf grey wolf twice the size of the boy stood before him.
      The old wolf walked closer to the boy stirring from slumber as its eyes flashed with light two blue hands appear at the side of the boy’s arms lifting him into the air as a third appears and starts to slap the face of this waking lad.
     Kiel found his mind wide awake with numb cheeks and being manhandled by these blue hands. In his confused state that turned to rage as he sees the old wolf that ate him, the day prior.
      The third hand that was slapping hazardously now covers the muffled mouth of said gray rag boy. The old wolf just stood still like an ancient tree and waiting for his pup to calm down before giving instruction.
     As the muffled curses came to a halt, the old wolf begins his tale of teaching and a plan for his pup to surpass his generation. To sound sincere old Alpha states, “Pup, thou desires up in thine heart to know all that I have lived and knowledge of concerning thy new body.
      In this white world of dreams and meditation will be your place of practice and accumulation of knowledge. Just stay there and listen, pup.” With a stern expression, the old wolf alpha put the pup on the ground but leaving his mouth covered.
      “In this place pup, thy self shall put forth an effort to use and control your body. Although it would be more convenient to just give thee my memories and practice, alas I am not a dream walker, only a wise wolf.
      Fear not, for shall thee soon face trials and enemies that I have fought here to gain the experience needed to gain hold of thine power. Now this, that whenever thou sleeps, here is where ye shall come to train and ponder on future opportunities.”
     Removing the blue hand, Kiel decided to calmly shout out, “what sort of curse is this? If I can never have a restful sleep again; what point is there for sleeping!”
      Old Alpha dropped his tail and ears in disappointment, answering his new fool of kin, “this place is more of a great blessing then thee could comprehend. Worry not, for now, we shall start.
    There were many different types of energy and powers in the exciting world. The power for the manifestation of thine hands comes from mixing the power of creation with the energy of the mind, which can only be created after thee have successfully had thine mate. Until this time only the power and energy of thy mind can channel a weak weapon of offense. During this time our kind deceives all other creatures into thinking we are masters of wind until we find a mate.
       For this cause thine mate needs to be found; be it the current female or another, it matters little. For now shall we not start with the basics?” Alpha materializes two blue hands in front of himself.
        At the side of each hand, the air starts to distort as if a ball of hot air suddenly appears with the blue hands.
        “As thee can see a mass is next to the blue hands. Itself is what is the starting point of the hand through mental energy and power manifestation. While thine original kin called this psychokinetic power that unto itself is mistaken.
       What man calls psychokinetic power or ESP is the manifestation of mental energy, mixing with the power of belief to change reality around the user into an ability or separate power.
      The power and ability can only progress by the understanding of the user and the natural world. Be it this way, week or Godly powerful beings come into existence among some of humanity.
       Be a way of man or another, power can be made. Thou are now my kin, an existence that can pass the celestial beings in power. Thine journey be a long one, though a possible fulling the desire of our kin to rain over all as wise and powerful wolves we are.”
      Kiel was already starting to lose focus from his long string of words and nonsensical words. He just waits for his chance to get on point and of this white world and his restraints.
      ‘Can’t I just get right to the training and get it explained while it is going on,’ Kiel thought to himself.
       “Thou doth appear to be lost in thought. No better cause of learning than keeping thine life,” the old wolf said.
      At Old Alpha’s last word, a small black mist starts to seep out of the white floor. Continuing to billow only to condense, forming the silhouette of a pitch black dog as big a lion glaring at Kiel.
       Instinct told Kiel to jump out of the only trip on nothing, falling to the ground to see the hound behind him now with trails of saliva drips down its maw. Only the desire to flee from this beast stood inside his heart.
      Kiel understands that this place is in his dreams but instinct won out his own dulled thoughts. “Thine body was right to move, pup,” Old Alpha sat dignified in place, continuing to speak. “Tis a realm of white dreams though pain, gain, and experience are obtained within. Since it is only a pup of a hell-bound, if eaten it cannot take either the soul nor the body whence the beast desires to leave. So thy body will reform if that so happens.”
      Before Kiel could even make a rebuke about what was just said, he felt great pain as the flesh of his left arm were ripped off. Only a small red stump remains with no blood left. This small concession was only thought about before continuing to gain distance.
     While the hellhound continues to slowly eat his arm, Old Alpha starts to monologue.”Create an image of the arm, now lost. Think about a current of air rushing around it.  Use this image, while controlling the current to make a weapon of wind pressure.”
     Kiel while in a confused state, trying to fight back the pain, wishing for the two dog to fight instead. He was just about to complain, only to see that the dog was finishing up his hand of a meal. Kiel did as the old wolf said several times as he ducks and dodges the charging hound. Powerful paws nocks Kiel winded on his back.
      In the iron grip, Kiel looks at the thing going to eat him. Teeth as big as switchblades come at his neck. Despair grips Kiel; leaving only a blank mind to shove the mass of wind attached to a stump of an arm inside that column of teeth.  Feeling his shoulder being ripped away, the energy of wind releases a blast inside the mouth only leaving behind a headless corpse, that slowly fades back into black mist until nothing remains.