What will I do? The inside looks ominous. It might as well be a sea glass house, in my eyes. Between black wooden doors grew rubies that shined a blood-red light. We might as well be walking in the darkroom.

   At the end of this gloomy hallway stood a black granite double door. My warden had me pull it open and walk in. Ya, granite doors are heavy, what those poor Israelites had under the Egyptians rule I don’t have a clue.

   Upon opening the door, blinding light poured into my eyes. Stumbling into the room, I see what looks to be a courtroom for a judiciary. Everything was made from that same crystal. The only difference was another blinding white gem that was encrusted in the ceiling as a skylight with the sun shines through.

   At the pulpit looking down upon me, as trash is another peerless beauty. This lamia has long brunette hair down to her slender waist, an hourglass figure that would steal men’s hearts, she seems to be the late twenties maybe, as long as she doesn’t hear me guess her age I should be ok.

   The beautiful woman opened her rose red lips saying, “Sara is this the trespasser that appeared alongside the fire drake? “

    My warden answers as she bowed her head while keeping eye contact, “This thing is indeed that carcass. May we dispose of this?” As my chains were raised so too was I. Do you think I’m the catch of the day or something?

   I interrupted them, “Excuse me you two. I don’t know what charges I am being held under but can I have some dignity of human rights, and not treated like a…”

   Sara let go of my chains. It smarts when landing on your tailbone. She continues to insult me saying, “Does an insect not need be treated like a man?”

   Before I could rebuttal, miss judge Judy lifts her hand to silence me saying, “Your charge is illegal entry without Identification.” She straightens up and a crease forms on her brow. “You appeared along with the guardian of the southern port; chard might I remind you. Now how did this happen?” As I was opening my mouth, she pointed at two crystals, one floating as a witch’s crystal ball, while the other looks carved crystal of Opel. “In case you are ignorant, this is a place of truths and is being recorded for processing.”

   I was excited and sickened in my stomach at the same time. Hello, free information! Now I have not to shoot myself in the foot. “I have never seen such a lie detector as such before, may I tell a lie and see what it looks like?”

   This judge opened her mouth saying, ” I am a man.” I was speechless, at how serious she sounds with a pompous look on its face. Well, I will try not to judge others by their appearance.

   “You are a very good-looking man, and I am sorry for mistaken you for a woman I have never met a real lamia before coming to this crystal village.” I felt very good getting that off my chest.

   The judge looked like he had eaten sour grapes, as the opal shined a dime violet, then dimmed again. He avidly decrees in self-defense, “I AM A WOMAN!”
There was no reaction. Did I step on a landmine? “Uumm, does that light indicate what a lie is?” My voice started to crack with my fried nerves.

   The he-she-guy was staring daggers at opening its mouth and announces, “Yes!” Before I could apologize and explain myself, she regained her composure and continued to speak. “Now we will be first asking questions about yourself that are common for state registry, to have you in the system.

   If you are innocent, you will be issued an identity card and let you go, while if you’re guilty, your next of kin will be able to claim your remains.”

   I’m sweating bullets. Will my heart leap out of my chest? Here comes the panic attack! Can snakes smell fear?! As I was being swallowed in panic, I started to recite scriptures and hymns in my mind to calm myself down, as the questions began. “Name,” the judge inquired.

   “Sedich William Day.”


   “College Student and unemployed.” The judge raised her brow while looking at the opal. What is with her steely glair?

   “Birthplace, state, nationality, country, and content .”

   “Laguna Hills, Orange County, state of California, American, United States of America, North American content.” She gave a stone cold glare and replied.

   “I have never heard of any of those places before, but the stone can’t be fooled.” While raising her brow with a bit of shock that passed through her eyes. Her countenance darkened and continued. “Are you lost, stolen, or a traveler.”

   I think this girl is going looney. Am I a lost and found bargain good? “Sorry, I don’t understand the intent of your question,” I asked for reconfirmation.
She asked once again, “Are you from another planet? If so, when did you get here and by what means?”

   I just shook my head and started spilling my guts, shouting, “Yes. Within 24 hours. Some spiritual being without a body and no real brilliant countenance, claiming to be a god. Though he seems more like a devil or fallen angel, cursed to not gain a true body and never become a true god.
I don’t remember his name. I’m a face person, unless I’ve been around the person for a long time. Though he said, I am to basically be a form of entertainment. He wants to watch me struggle so he can get his kicks and giggles, just to live.”

   Next, she kept a face of composure and started to list of names. “Timothy, Chimera, Ulv, Loba, Terr, Solas, or Grisial. Do any of these names match what the God called himself?” I don’t think any of these matches. It started with a T, but what are with these names? Are they just what my mind can perceive from having it translated for me.

   “I haven’t heard all of those names before but it doesn’t fit the one, that faker gave me.” I just said, while shrugging my shoulders and leaving a crease on my forehead. I hope this stress doesn’t make my hair thin any more and three white hairs are enough.

   You know, even with me being so nervous that my legs have fallen asleep. I think I can get through this. I mean the judge doesn’t have such condemning eyes filled with darkness as before.
She seems to be thinking over what to do with me. I just don’t want any of those bad ideas that wolf person had talked about. Maybe I will just be let go or given a job while I get to understand this world or its culture.

   She lets out a sigh and continues to speak, “ The hearing will be given a one hour break to discuss to proceedings before any further deliberation.”

   I felt speechless as Sara pulled me along like a piece of driftwood. I mean I feel for the monstrous strength she used. Now I am being dragged along the floor. I am not some broken marionette.

   She lifts me up and throws me in the corner of the left side of the room and said for me to stay put.

   Well guess I am stuck here for an hour to twiddle with my thumbs.