Chapter 3: Bound with snakes
       Kiel after regaining his composure, goes looking for a source of water and what around him could be used for a shelter. The chirping of birds, the ruseling of beasts, and the whistling of the gusts of wind churning in Kiel’s ears.
      Deeper the way Kiel advances, the darkness of the forest floor increases. The path is a shadows of twilight blocking around with streams of spotlights of the noon sun pierced through the darkness of the woods.
       As all the life of the woodlin life fell silent, trickaling water flows echoes into his ears. Stopping in his tracks, Kiel widens the edges of his mouth. Before his feet takes him to the water source, screams of danger ran electrical currents through his body, causing Kiel’s body to calapse from over stimulation.
      The rustle of the fallen leaves under his body echoes through the silence of the woods.
       Once the silence of all but the water stream is heard, another sound broke the silence. The low thumping of rithum could be heard. Kiel’s first thought was maybe a distant rap of a drum. The faint beat grows louder, while Kiel’s body grew colder as sweat flows down his immobile back. The beat became distinct as it changes from a drum to a rithium of life, a heartbeat.
     Kiel’s lathagic body, weighed down by pain and angziaty, was still. As the heartbeat grew louder, the snapping of branches and scattering of leaves fell in Kiels soundings.
      Suddenly two legs with what seemed to be blue and red snake skin leggings. The two feet that should still be there, were covered by the fallen leaves. Kiel’s eyes could only see up to the knees of this figure, where the heartbeat echoes from.
      A voice full of femininity and as smooth as silk fell from above to his ears, ” I don’t recognize you.” Her voice is filled with curiosity and pride. “Encroaching upon my territory, are you courting death?”
      Kiel, try all he might could not raise his voice. As he tries to raise his hand, his vision blacks out and all goes silent in the world.
     Kiel awoke in a damp room. The first thing he realizes is that he is covered in animal furs. The damp room is illuminated by florescent roots penetrating the ceiling of the  carved out of rock and stone room.
     Trying to lift up his body from the fur covers was stopped as pain from sore and stiff muscles rupture in his body. Kiel lays back down and continues to rest thinking of what he needs to accomplish.
       He ponders if the female figure in the snake skin pants was the one to drag him to this strange room for safety. A quick thought that it might just be to coax him into something but he quickly put it away.
     After many hours of rest in the dim light, a feeling of comfort overcomes Kiel as his mind begins to stir. A smooth clammy thing wrapping around Kiel’s wrists and ankles bound tight together.
     After losing to the fleshy cold restraints, Kiel through the furs off, that covered him, revealing rust colored serpents binding him. As Kiel continues to struggle against the snakes, they only continue to gently constrict his movements until it was futile.
      After becoming more panicked, he started to bang his rusty serpent restraints against the rock walls to kill them. Though fruitless exhausting himself, those same restraints seemed unharmed and calm.
     Hours past as Kiel was lost in his distracting thoughts. Wondering when his female captor would return. Kiel stopped panicking since he wasn’t in that bad of conditions. Being bound but still left in a comfortable place to rest, wasn’t a show of hostility but more of care and caution.
    Pain was filling his mind as that old pride filled voice fills his mind, “Pup, what are you doing being bound in these lesser creatures; of a weak female?”
    Kiel has no idea of what is happening so in spite gives a sarcastic retort, “Hmm. Taking the cherticies of a beautiful woman.”
      The old wolf Alpha didn’t make light of this off comment, “This female isn’t a species that I am familiar with. Though I don’t understand the human heart, a twitterpated pup only needs to offer up your dominant red hand to her and if she excepts you; then shall ye be bound and wed for your eternity.”
     Kiel just bits his tongue and blushes not answering back to Alpha out of embarrassment to the thought of marriage. He just can’t get his mind around his current predicament and how this sex obsessive old wolf was going to be of any help.
     Right now he needs to focus on how to get out of here or do as his new wolf instincts dictate; establish dominance. But to even do any of this objectives, an understanding of how to escape the serpent restraints.
      Changing the direction of their conversation decides to change the in a causal manner to please this old wolf, “Old Alpha, is there a way to control those hands to get out of these restraints? I don’t think looking weak will impress this woman in the snake pants.”
    “Hahahah. Thou fool! Thine way of escape is only possible in the presence of this female. As for controlling those hands, will be in the realm of dreams from now on. Thy mind will not know of rest from this day until I sleep.
    Kiel had no understanding of what old Alpha was talking about. Would it be he could no longer sleep to learn or was it a dream for him to learn how to control these hands.
     As Kiel was going to ask what this confused old wolf meant, Kiel black outs again.