In the wild early morning mist that covers the wood. Rays of light cut through mist. Upon dead scattered leafs upon this landscape. In one of these rays of light, a smoldering mass of darkness like unto a smoldering fire resting in place. This gray mass rose and receaced in this spotlight stage. 

     After rising double in size and shrinking into a solidified form. A young gray haired boy lay in the forest garden, rapped in gray animal skins. From boots till gloves fully clothed with healthy red tint colored his pasty skin.

     While the mist continues the burn away, gives way to warm light. This boy starts to stir. Misty eyes slowly open and the light of soul can be seen. 


      The boy shaken with shock of life, slowly raise to his feet. Leaning quickly against a tree as dizzy spells overcome him. Grasping to the bark to stay afoot. Shivering and fever starts to cover his body.

     Wisps of whispers float across the wind surround the boy. Confusion consume the boy as he questioned his sanity. Suddenly a loud voice sounded amongst the many reverberating voices, drowning them out. This noisy undisernable voice scraps the boys mind.

     Covering his ears to stop the voices was to no avail. The strong voice continues to grow stronger with greater clarity as it leaves his ears and reverberate through his mind. 

     A strong, stern, prideful voice commanding the boy to listen saying, “Human thou son of man have  become my inheritance to this world. For I promised that my kin would reclaim our spot upon this mother of ours.

      Now pup, speak thy name if thou do me honer to know thine name, of this Alpha father.” The boy was speechless as fear overwhelmed him, from passing memories of being eaten alive when he was last awake.

      Not knowing in what way to answer this Alpha, the boy raised his voice in uncertainty, “My name is Kiel Signs. If I may ask, if your name be Alpha and how am I alive if I was eaten alive?” 

       The voice of Alpha echoes, “My true name is not needed for a pup. All that is needed, that thee are one with my flesh and blood. As thine new father I send thee out into the woods to spread our legend and seed once more upon this, our mother.

     Now go to into the woods and find thine strength to win a mate among the fables. I will sleep for a season and rise once again after thine strength is sufficient.” Kiel is not even stunned that a fairytale life now awaits.

     What caused this prideful boy to be truly at a loss of words were as such. First he could no longer remember his human parents or home. Secondly was one thought not even to be considered for another 10 years. In his hysteria, shouting out, “I need to get married!”


     Back in a poorly light room one of the many boys was handcuffed to the restaurants bolted on the table. His lifeless eyes were as void as a doll’s eyes. His skin still pasty white and cold as the grave, from the death of his friend. The only difference between him and a corpse, is his faint heartbeat and slow reaction time. 

       Time slows down as the door opens and an officer walks in. His short military crew cut, with his slanted eyes,  bushy brows, sharp nose, and black polished leather shoes. Those left in this interrogation room would most often rationalize that this man was the bad cop, in the usual stick.

     He slowly dragged the metallic chair across the pavement floor, then slowly sitting down while taking out a new wad of gum to chew. Glancing at some papers in his left hand only to let them fall to the table with a thud.

     The dazed boy jolts awake from his lifeless daze only to find himself facing this new tuff customer. To which he only felt like he pissed himself a little. 

      Quickly realizes what this kid just did, the cop gets right to the point, “Kid let’s get to the point. What were you kids doing defacing a national monument?” The boy with the soiled shorts just kept muttering to himself, replaying yesterday’s events. 

      “A big gray monster wolf came out of that crypt and ate my friend. A wolf ate my friend. So many hands. A wolf monster ate Kiel and fell over a cliff. A wolf ate my friend,” muttering the boy in cycles.

         Seeing now this would get the cop nowhere. He just got up talks to the guards outside the door to take him away and left to talk with sectors captain. They continue to bicker among themselves, “Are we really going to just had this case over to animal control?

      “Of course we are. We got nothing solid on those monks and those juvenile delinquent’s are saying the same gibberish over and over again,” the captain stressed.


      In an one story apartment flat, a mother and father are both comforting each other as they cry out for the death of their beloved son. The blond hair man with a healthy complexion, while streaming tears ran down his face, just braces his wife, while still in his work suit.

    “Rose, although Kiel is gone, from what was reported, he died instantly a painless death. We might be separated from him now but we are still a family bound together. So when it is our time to go, we will still see him again.

     Rose, the small young sobbing woman with black hair still clenches tightly to her husband’s chest, seeking security that she desperately needs. As the tears lessen, a shaky sorrow filled voice says to his ear, “Thank you Honey, that is true that we will see him again, but what will we tell Stephan. He really looked up to Kiel and now that he is gone, I just.” Rose’s sobbing continues to drown out her words.