Father promptly and calmly asked where the girl was now. Ezra said that she was sound asleep on the couch in front of the fireplace. As both exits, the barn Ezra’s father looks to the sky. It seemed a storm has formed over them while they were in the barn. The sound of the thunder clashed, and lightning raced along its bottom. With the second clash of thunder, it looked as if a ball fire erupted from the dark mass in the sky and landed with a force of an exploding landmine, in the recently planted beet field. The mass of flames faded away in the wind to reveal a man with bright flaming orange, and a black suit as if he was a businessman from Scotland going to a big corporate meeting. Next to him was not a car but what looked like could only be described as a dragon with its ruby scale wings extending, and it’s reptilian body standing mightily proud and getting ready to attack. The man with little sense of interest looked to us and started to walk to the house.

    My father quickly ran over to the man as if to stop him, but when he was just a good 10 yards away from the man in the suit a wall of fire separated them from each other, that erupted from the dragon’s mouth. My father yelled at me as he took out the pistol from the back of his belt and took aim at the dragon, “go and get the family sword in the chest next to the house and you get away from this place with the girl.” I stood in complete shock at what I was seeing; I didn’t want to leave my dad’s side. It seemed the gun did not affect the monster, but to make it angry and to send another column the flame to leave its mouth. Father quickly rolled to the side just barely escaping the flames and started running to the barn. He quickly ran but turned to give me a worried look as he took something out of his pocket and threw it at me. “Now put that in the sword and protect that girl,” he shouted.

    I picked up the little leather pouch that fell at my feet and did as I was told. I got to the house and so did the man enter my home. First I rummaged through the chest until I found the sword. It was old covered in rust, a sign that father has not taken care of it for many years. Here I was thinking, how it was possible to do anything with this rusted double edge sword. I took out what was in the leather pouch, what looked like a green emerald and put it in the cavity where a stoned could be set. As I did so, the blade shown a brilliant green light as it changed within my hands into a sword that was polished, radiated energy and seems to be now a fearsome weapon to behold. Not thinking, I quickly took to my feet and jumped through the closest window and landing upon a table that broke under my waist. I winced in pain while getting back up. I charged into the next room to see the man having a girl to be in what looked like rubber restraints. Her clothes were smoldering, and new burns covered her arms and body. The side of this filled me with rage as I ran to slay him.

    Though I rushed forward, I have kicked the side like a stray dog. The man in the suit looked down at me unimpressed to see what stood in his way. His eyes showed that he was unimpressed and murdered in what seemed discussed, “child of the bounty of soil, what do you think you could do against one such as I?” I swiftly lifted my sword once again to strike him down but was forced back as a wall of flames a ruptured from one arm of the man’s arms, and it circled me.

     I was helpless and watched as he put more rubber dips chains around her body and start to drag her across the floor. In my helpless and angry state, I strike the floor with my blade, feeling I could do you know more. The ground started to shake violently. The man stops dragging the girl as he looked at me. I looked through the flames; I could see a wooden collum blocking the way out. He raised his hand as flames flowed from his body and formed into a ball fire. As I close my eyes, I gripped the sword and waited for the end, but the earth did quake once more, and giant roots did shoot through the floor ensnaring the man in the suit. The wall of fire around me died to a smolder. The man in the suit gave me one last look of hatred within his eyes. His form burned but was soon smothered by the fibrous roots that did snare him.

     No blood or gore, just black smoke could be seen leaking from the gaps in the roots. Coming to from my daze, I got to my feet and lifted the sword over the girl. She had a scared and confused look on her face; maybe I look intimidating? Her blonde hair and body language made her look like a crushed kitten, but her eyes are steely and true. Does she think I am about to attack her? Whatever, I cut and remove the rubber restraints on her and try to tell her to follow me outside. She seems to be still skeptical of me but now is not the time. I know my father told me to take her and run, but how am I suppose to run and leave my dad behind. This sword might be what he needs to fight that dragon out there. Man, I hope he is still alive.