Off in a battle-scarred land surrounded by bloodied corpses stood a lone figure. She stood in a daze, trying to remember what has happened giving up on the prospect of remembering, she desires to leave this place of death and desolation to go on into the far-off forest.

    She has long green hair that shines as bird feathers, reaching to her waist, torn or rather garment dyed black and red from the dirty blood covers her body. This woman, which would bring nightmares any man that would have seen her, continue to walk until she finally came to a river. She continues to walk upstream until she comes to a shallow bank where is the current has calm down.

    In the slow-moving water, she washed her body and clothes. She cleansed her body so too she tried to clear her thoughts and understand who she is and what happened upon that field of battle.
Only the thought of being a victor and a desire for a name came to mind. Her mind continues to be overcome with thoughts of who she is and why did she remain.

    She can only remember the sight of many men charging at her with weapons of war and the sight of them turning into lumps of flesh. Shaking her head, putting aside those unpleasant memories she continued to scrub the blood off her clothes with the rocks, then she continues to clean her clothes.

    After leaving the river fully clothed, she only walks a short distance away to lay on a solemn log to sunbathe beneath the shining light and contemplate how she should remember or think of a new name for herself.
Her body seems to contain secrets and more abilities that she is aware of. She became very aware of her potential but not knowing how to access it. She decided to continue to sunbathe on the felled log and contemplate on her instincts hoping to gain insights into who she is.

    The noon sun soon fell into dusk. Bird songs slowly start to die down as insects start to sing. The feminine figure sturred from her slumber and rolled off the log. The moss and the decaying leaves leave a soft feeling underfoot which brings the small shock of pins and needles to the touch.

    The new sensation only stops her new thoughts wondering briefly, and she stared at the emerging starry sky. She felt a desire to walk into the dense brush and trees as if some force is pulling her there. Each step she takes would only be sounded by breaking leaves. The surrounding wildlife was all too silent.

    This green haired figure walks until she comes to a clearing with many large rocks protruding from the ground like a small mountain. She climbs this rock formation until she sat in the center. The call of her instincts stop and desire for her to wait here. The darkness of night is going to blankets the land. The only light comes from the celestial bodies that dance in the sky.

    Continuing her pondering on who she is or what she is, a name came to her, Moonwillow. She felt pleased with her name and now starts to ponder on what her identity will be.

    After some time passes, a faint glimmer of red light weaves between the trees until the light reaches the clearing. From the red light figure of human male appears, Moonwillow is filled with anger and anxiety from the sight of another human that must have come to take her life. Hostility covers her countenance as their eyes meet.

    The man didn’t seem to notice and continues to walk closer to the rock that Mooonwillow sat on. The man got closer as he climbs the rough surface. Their eyes meet again, and the man hid on the edge of the rock from Moonwillow’s view.

    She continues to advance while looking at the man. She can only feel her hostility growing as she advances. Just as Moonwillow felt the desire to slay the man, he collapses on the ground and leaves Moonwillow feeling stunned by the ghastly site.