Chapter 1: Ah, The Academy

by | Sep 5, 2023 | A Changed Race

The book cover of the story A Changed Race

Chapter 1: Ah, The Academy Life

The black-haired beauty stopped talking and looked at the dreamy-eyed boy lost in his own thoughts. Her calm beauty persona slowly changed as irritation was creeping onto her face. She continued to try to get his attention at first gently with a quiet voice that sounded like a mother waking up her son in the morning, “Nick. Hey Nico, could you please pay attention?” Seeing that his head was still up in the clouds, she calmly gave a dark smile taking out her taser baton and slapped the side of his right thigh with it, screaming into his ear. “Space cadet Nicolaus, get your head out of the clouds and pay attention to your briefing! This is mandatory knowledge to understand before you can join your team and be a part of the unit. You got that, Moron!”

Nicolaus winced in pain as he grit his teeth, thinking of what vulgarities he should shout back at her, but held back his tongue tantrum. His cool beauty advisor narrowed her eyes as she whispered, “cowered” under her breath before continuing what she was saying. “As I said, boy.” She pointed to a new frozen figure of the mad scientist on the television to continue her debriefing. “This mad man is Dr. Howard Spinner and is still to this day in an undisclosed security prison for the past 150 years continuing with his indefinite life sentence. He just mumbles to himself that he would out last us all, but that is beside the point.

Now I know that this may not be important in your eyes, but the lesson is that it is part of our branch’s job to stop these sorts of mad men from cropping up and continuing in the good doctor’s legacy of human experimentation or terrorism. That is also.” She cut her words short as she could that Nicolaus was quickly losing interest and changed the subject.

“Look hot head, as your instructor, I see great potential in you and as a hard worker but if you don’t get your act together you will end up in the barracks or under the knife of these madmen instead of graduating. I know you don’t want to end up in that sort of situation again. I just-.”

A voice echoed from the walls cutting her off, saying, “Agent Conners take Nicolaus Glymoore back to the barracks. He, as everyone else needs to be well rested for tomorrow’s rank placement examination. Oh, and Nick you have better put on a good show for us tomorrow, that is all.”

Once the voice stopped agent Conners grimaced and muttered, “That ironic needle head, just because he was recently made commander, gives him the right to interrupt me while talking to my student? No!” Conners yelled as she slammed her hand into the table leaving a small indent.

Nicolaus looked at his instructor a little amused and mocked, “Teach are you going to get your revenge on him by draining his blood with your feminine whiles, oh great and power vampire queen?” Nicolaus chocked a little trying to hold back his laughter after saying this with a serous face.

“How cute, the student thinks he can haze the teacher. With that note, I will personally pick the hardest opponent for your exam tomorrow,” Conners catted in a loving voice.

“What! Since when could you do that? I thought only the Commander.” Nicolaus trailed off into thought for a moment and continued to say, “fine, use your old partner and femininity to get what you want out of that old dog, but then what about your revenge teach,” chimed Nicolaus.

“My vendetta is my matter! Now, since you’re in a sour mood I suggest you skip right off to bed,” said Conners in an irritated voice. She walked to the side of the door and signaled him to leave.

“Fine,” said Nicolaus begrudgingly as he got out of his chair and slunked towards the exit. As soon as he stepped out of the iron door, he was tackled to the ground by what could only be described by him as a big blur. Nicolaus head is ringing as he is slow to realize what just happened. Slowly getting back to his senses he sees a squinting monkey over him only to realize that it was the well-built troublemaker and student Chango Cortez looking over him coming into focus. Before Nicolaus can get Chango off of himself. Nicolaus was pushed back down as Chango stood up and placing his foot on Nicolaus’ stomach.

“Sorry man. I thought I would have a fateful encounter with a beaty and not your scaled skinny a-,” was all the Chango could say before his leg was grabbed by Nicolaus and being pulled down to land face first on the ground beside each other.

Nicolaus exploded, “Dude, what was that for banana head? Is that brain of yours a monkey’s too? Do you want me to melt you like a candle,” he said in a punch-drunk voice.

Chango pushes his face off of the ground wearing an insidiously dark smile as he mutters, “I wish you could have seen the look on your face. Priceless. Besides, I have no interest in a dumb serpent lizard thing. Now where is the apple of my eye?”

Chango prepares to go off while Nicolaus is getting ready to land a punch only to be interrupted by the shouting of his instructor, “Didn’t I tell you to hit the hay? Get to the barracks. Now!” Conners points left down the hall.

Seeing her, Chango gets doe-eyed and tries to start a conversation with her only to get a leering gaze filled with disgust that filled his thoughts with glee and disappointment as he is being sent away. Conners called out to the two of them as they continued to walk away, “Cadet Cortez I better not see any more such behavior from you or it will be reported your instructor and the commander.” Chango flinched a little as he continued to catch back up with Nicolaus.

When they were finally out of earshot; Chango put his right arm around Nicolaus and starts a new conversation from earlier. “Who did you have to kill to get an examiner that fine to be your instructor while I get some fossil with a stick up his rear?”

“I didn’t do anything to get her to be my instructor. Maybe since I met her before my time in here. She probably asked for me thinking that I would be easy to teach so she could laze around somewhere else while I am struggling,” said Nicolaus with a sarcastic undertone.

“So, you met a dedicated officer, as her, out of the facility? Were,” questions Chango seriously.

“I told you that my life is not for anyone else’s entertainment. I don’t need some nosy chimp looking into my everyday life,” Nicolaus stated.

“Oh, anyone? As I recall there is an exception, right? I think her name is Sarah Turnner the Morph, no? Sure, she is fine but not enough womanly charm to really loose one’s dignity over,” Chango said while being lost in thought. He soon stopped in his tracks, and it seemed as a dark light descended upon him and his form blurred momentarily as his body was now faced towards Nicolaus with his fist extending forwards.

Nicolaus had caught Chango’s punch with his hands clasping around his wrist. The muscles in his arm relaxed and Chango slowly withdrew his arm. He had a stupid grin on his face again. He looked somewhat refreshed with his short spiky velcro strap hair and his shirt that is ripped opened reveling his burly hidden muscles. He straitened his uniform before continuing to walk.

Although a little annoyed Chango continued to smile as to say with a slight laugh, “And here I thought I could have some fun taking you down a peg to help you learn a little humility before the matches.” Chango looks at his torn buttons and grimaces at the new work he has to do before continuing. “Great, more sowing. Just remember that if you let your pride guide you that you won’t be flying so high much longer boy. Protect those that are important to you more than that pride of yours.” Chango continues to walk forward and stumbles a little as he catches the buttons that fall from his shirt only to stop in front of a door.

Nicolaus smiles a little looking at the person in front of him in a bewildered state. Nicolaus laughs a little about how Chango wanted to walk off looking high handed after giving sage advice only to be stopped like this. With a smile plastered on his face he says, “sure I will take it into account, but I will first solve the door issue you’re so desperately faci-,”

The door swung open and hits Nicolaus in the face and falls on his butt while clutching the side of his jaw. Chango put his buttons in his back pockets and lowered his right hand out laughing while saying, “I know you have a head of steal, pft, but I didn’t know you had a glass jaw too,” While Nicolaus was thinking dark thoughts about the idiot that swung that door open; Chango lifts him up by the scruff of his jacket neckline. Though Chango did struggle as he could barely breath from the laughter that would not cease almost causing him too collapse on the floor, but he was able to calm down for a moment.

At the entrance stood a perplexed, James Neal; a tall slender boy with dark brown eyes and black hair that had bags under them from his late-night studying looking at his feet. His hair stood on end from the constant static discard that he gave off. James was raising his head as he was about to ask what Chango thought was funny, while subconsciously putting his left hand on his head to check his hair. Did he not notice Nicolaus being held in front of his face? Nicolaus resembles an upset house cat in this moment.

The pupils of James’ eyes shrunk as small sparks danced along his arms. He felt a little sick and continued walk in front of Nicolaus saying, “Sorry for hitting you with the door.” James bumps shoulders with Nicolaus while turning back to the barracks. “I will get you back to your bed, it’s the least I can do for my mishap.” James walks Nicolaus back to his bed and tucks him into his sheets before Nicolaus can take in what is happening, he falls asleep and James walks away.

Nicolaus awoke to the screaming of other cadets running to get dressed or falling to the ground from their top bunks. As he was about to fall back asleep an arm grabs him sending an electric current through him. Nicolaus twitches violently for a moment before fighting the pain and grabbing the wrist of his assailant bringing them to his eye level. Nicolaus snaps open eyes revealing reptilian pupils looking at James’ pale dead pan face looking back at him. Unamused by this unwelcome wake-up call he shoves James out of the way and gets out of bed. He continues to walk towards the showers to get ready for the day while hearing the muttering of James saying, “that is no way to treat your friend.” Nicolaus held in his desire to shout back in argument but continues on his way.

After he is ready for the day Nicolaus finds himself in front of the exam’s registry for the final exam. He said to himself, “Wow, only 16 qualified for the final team placement. Could the graduating class really be that poor this year?” Nicolaus continues to look at the notice posted on the wall stating those listed would go to attend area 46-A5 for the test. Those that pass are Flo Bella, Chango Cortez, Marten Fields, Peter Frost, Nicolaus Glymoore, Alexa Grey, Sammual Hill, Phillip Maxwell, James Neal, Cadi Reid, Rose Ross, Kaylin Soto, Lucy Snider, Christopher Turner, Sarah Turner, and Jordan Watson.

A voice that came out of nowhere echoes from over his shoulder saying, “Looks like both Sarah and you are qualified for the placement exam this month along with me.” Nicolaus’ heart races a little from the shock lurching a little to the right before he looks left to see this mysterious being that got the better of him only to see his cousin Chris Turner. He has a slight childish grin while giving Nicolaus a lazy slack three finger salute. “Well, what got into you Nick? You seem a little jumpy or something. Oh, could it be your nervous to see my cousin Sarah? Look cuz, I know it’s been a couple of months since the trio has been together but keep it cool. Don’t be too flustered or you might scare her off,” teased Chris.

“Geez, that’s not it. More like challenge me to a fight with sparkling eyes. Besides you came out of nowhere and took me by surprise is all,” Nicolaus gasped while taking a few short breaths before continuing to say, “Or are you trying to apply to the assassination unit?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Although if you read the roster it doesn’t say at what time the exam is to be held. Well, we might as well get going before the pairings are stacked against us,” said Chris as he starts to walk away with his back facing Nicolaus.

“Hey, don’t just leave me behind! When I catch you. I don’t care if your type is. You’re going to be roast turkey when I’m done with you,” states Nicolaus.

Chris continues to walk down the concrete corridor thinking allowed to himself, “Ah, this will be fun. I do always preferer to dance with a girl, but a good tussle is a good second. Yes, I do agree with myself on that note. As long as I am walking should I taunt Nick a little more? Nah.”

“Hey, come back and say that to my face! I can’t understand what you’re saying,” yells Nicolaus as he runs towards Chris. Christopher Turner is a nineteen-year-old young man that is either constantly talking or silent as stone. He has dark wavy-brown hair blue eyes, and his jacket is always tied around his waist with a plain white t-shirt on and worn-out shoes.

“Come on and get the lead out of your shoes,” said Chris as his figure slowly got further away.

” You call that stride walking,” questioned Nicolaus as he started to jog after Chris’s figure.




Written by JediChristensen

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