Devin opened his eyes while cradling his aching head. Looking around, he sees that the mysterious girl that made his instincts scream is now illuminated in the crimson glow. For she held the plant and seemed captivated by the flower. She now has a deeper interest in this flower then taking his life as the feeling of bloodlust has dissipated. The green haired girl noticed Kevin’s gaze and stared back. Devin opens his mouth to ask for his fortune back, but his instincts advised that against him. Devin had his mouth open for a moment like a cow before closing it again in thought.


     The green haired girl seems to lose interest and continues to stare at the flower. Devin decided that he would rather lose a flower to a beautiful girl then to lose his life. Kevin said, “If you like that flower so much, it’s yours.”


     The green haired girl seems to be in deep thought before she finally replied saying, “I shall take your offering, man. For it is the first beautiful thing that I have seen since my birth.”


     Devin was little confused wondering what she meant since she didn’t seem to be a sheltered rich girl. He pondered on how she could not have seen anything more beautiful than this flower. Devin lived in the slums, so he thought many of the trivial things that the other citizens took for granted as wonders and works of high-class art. How could a flower be so beautiful?


    While hesitating, Devin said, “If you like flowers like that, I believe that I saw some more in the forest from the south of here. I don’t think it is safe right now, but come morning I could accompany you; if you like.”


    “What. Do you plan to stay up on this rock all night,” said the green haired girl.


     “Look, I was stalked back in the forest not long ago, and I am only able to light my hands on fire,” said Kevin as flames bloomed in his palm. “I can see your strong since our eyes met, but that doesn’t make it smart to walk around in this forest alone.”


     The girl with the green hair tilted her head and asked, “If that is true why are you here tonight?”


      Devin gave a quick retort stating, “true I might be like a piece of deletable floating meat in the forest to its residents tonight, but tonight was my only opportunity.”


     “For what, said the green haired girl.


      “To find a rare flower and sell it for a large sum of gold and leave the life of a slum dweller behind me,” said Kevin.


     “That’s just stupid. Then why give me something so precious? I see no value in it,” said the girl with the green hair.


    “To tell you the truth, I was intimidated by you, but your beautiful smile was enchanting. I thought if your smile could linger just from possessing that flower than I can look for another opportunity later,” said Devin.


       The girl looks at Devin in self-disbelief that something so corny could be said. As she thought more about it the more, she smiled lightly until the girl with the green hair laughed. “I am sorry for my offensive behavior. I just thought that it was comical to give away a vast fortune for such a simple reason.” The girl continued smiling even more. “You are the first good man I have met. I like you. You have given me many new and exciting things for me.”


     Devin smiled back and answered, “If I can make a beautiful woman like you happy and brighten my day; I see why not?” Thinking for a moment about what they talked about, Devin felt a little surprised and embarrassed. Rubbing the back of his head, he stated, “Sorry, Miss I have not asked for your name yet. Mine is Devin, Devin Leaf. My disrespectful nickname in the slums back home is Flint. Cuz I only show my power of fire with sparks to not attract unwanted attention.” Devin smiles as he holds out his right hand.


     The girl with green hair stairs at his hand before taking the flower; she said, “likewise, my new name is Moonwillow. I am willing to accept all of the tomfooleries if you promise never to betray me.”


    “Well, Miss Moonwillow I am happy to hear your words. Receiving a woman’s favor is wonderful. Though, I must point out that what you just said could be mistaken for a marriage proposal.” Devin scratches the back of his head, barely Keeping eye contact.


     Moonwillow seems to be in deep thought about what Devin just said. Minutes past, before she gave a reply, ”What you say is filled with truth, and it is that I am in need of a spouse before I gain my complete authority. ” Devin starts to feel an unpleasantness just from what he heard. What he thought would be some playful word banter that he once heard from the upper-class citizens to court young maidens. Who knew just deep the waters he was drowning in is.


     Moonwillow continues to declare, ”As my instincts say that you, Devin, would be an acceptable spouse for me. I shall take this flower as your dowry and accept your proposal of marriage.” She started to have a warm and gentle smile to spread across her lips. Moonwillow’s eyes continue to fill with worth, and her green hair gently falls across her face.


    Devin could feel his mind slowly start to be melted by her charming countenance that she is radiating. After a few seconds in a dopey faced daze, Devin finally snapped back to his senses and wondering what to do about this troublesome strong woman.


    He could not think of any good to come from actually going along with her suggestion but even worse were the prospects of denying her. It was worse than being in a rock and a hard place. Devin says, “I am deeply honored to receive or give a proposal to such a great and noble beauty such as yourself, but shouldn’t we know each other a little better before we exchange vows?”


     Moonwillow’s face slowly started to turn from joy into a stern and slightly disappointed one. She looked from her flower to Devin and back again as she begins to talk to him while staring into the red glow, saying “What is there to know? Love can come later. I have survived this long following my instincts. Would you not listen to the instincts of your self if you too were a god?”


    Devin felt hot sweats to flow down his back as he started to understand how dangerous this mistake would be if he further did anything to anger her. Devin speaks with a little shaky of a voice saying, “Is not the god or demon supposed to choose their spouse in three days?


     Moonwillow continues to gaze at her flower with a slightly softer gaze and is now running her dainty fingers through the flower peddles. She says, “It is by my will to choose my spouse or except the dowery of another. I feel that you are still my best prospect. Will you deny me a second time?”


     Devin started to stutter saying, “I I I I did not deny you. I just thought it was a little fast for my first woman. I have not had any prospects for love before. No good woman lived in the slums I called home. If there was one, they somehow found work and a man soon after entering the slums.”


     “Excuses are useless before your heart and me. I have asked you, but is this your answer,” questioned Moonwillow.


     “I am sorry. I don’t know what prospects will lay in store for us, but I will follow you and accept the proposal that I unknowingly made and stay true to your feelings as long as there is breath in me.


    A courageous and fascinating smile spread all across Moonwillow’s face. She firmly grabbed onto the flower as it started to wilt. As the potted flower fell from her grasp, her hair began to shine with a red glow, and her hair turns into a pleasing sliver. It was as if she had taken on some of the characteristics of the potted flower.


    Devin was a little bit of a loss over the plant drying into mulch at his while this diety only became even a more mysterious beauty. He could not understand anything. He just decided to accept being in a daze once more while waiting for her to speak.


    Moonwillow slowly gets her composure back and feels a little embarrassed seeing the look on his face. Devin’s gaze seems to penetrate her, but she didn’t feel uncomfortable from his eyes. She was even wondering if she should just have him hold her in an embrace.


    She broke what was most likely a spell brought on by having her soul form a covenant and vow with Devin. Getting back her composure, Mooonwillow reached out and tenderly caressed the side of Devin’s left facial cheek until her hand slivered to the back of his head to bring him closer and seal their vows with a kiss. The red light from Moonwillow’s hair wraps around the two for a brief moment until it fades leaving only the twinkling of the starlight.


    Moonwillow releases her moistened embrace and separates herself from him. Devin for once looks like a little woodland creature before a predictor in shock, but instead of being white as a bone he is as red as a hot iron from a fire. His red-faced embarrassment spread from his ears to his toes. Slowly losing his sanity and raising his hands about to come at Moonwillow once more, a new red hot feeling came across his right cheek on his face.


    Moonwillow had her left hand still raised as she said, “ I will not let you stay charmed from our vows! You are now my husband and as such a certain amount of composure is needed of you for now.” Moonwillow lowers her hand after she sees the clarity of light return to his eyes.


   She continues to say, “Now that we are as one in purpose, I shall explain what covenants we made to each other.” Devin keeps quiet and only focuses more on what he has to understand from his new wife. He starts to focus on her ruby lips once again before shaking his head and trying to pay attention.


    Moonwillow slowly continues her speech, “First, we are now bound to one another by our souls for all eternity. Even after death, our souls will find each other again. Second, you now have the same lifespan as I do, which is anywhere from 500 to 3,000 years in the flesh. Third, we promise to love, nurture, support, accompany and take care of one another as long as we exist. It is not as bad as it would sound for a commitment. Fourth, you will be my ade along with being my spouse. This is the bare minimum conditions that you Devin my husband are now bound to along with me, Moonwillow. Oh, and one more thing. As I am sure you can guess as stated by the high God, no polygamy will be allowed, as the human population is stable at this time. That means that I am your only spouse. Do not commit adultery. Got it!” For a moment Moonwillows eyes seemed to shine with a dangerous light. Devin could only shake his head up and down agreeing with what his new wife stated.


    She seems to be satisfied and continues to her speech, “As I have fulfilled my right and have a new spouse, I shall return into the spiritual world as my role and authority in this mortal plain become cemented. I will return in three days.”


   With only leaving those word behind, Moonwillow seemed to glow as bright as the sun, until her countenance changed to white before what looked as if the Heavens opened up and she climbed light into them. Before the heavens closed, she turned back and blew Devin a kiss.


    As the heavens closed, so too did the darkness of night come rushing back like the tide. All was black; all was quiet as Devin was left to sit upon the rock in the darkness and think about what just happened.


    The sun soon started to rise, and its warmth started to fill the land. Devin could only think of how he needed to get back to town. Thus he left his broken pot and walked back in the woods until he got back to the town gates.