The silvery moonlight lit the forest floor of this dark realm in the depths of the forest. The chirping of the nocturnal insects did flood the forest giving cover for that night prowler that stalks the floor.

    An orange glow did cast light in the silver and dark world. The figure holding the flame on the back of its hand was the image of a young man of the city.

    His light brown hair was stained black and orange by the glow of the faint contrasts by the darkness of the night and the firelight. His garments were clumsily made from light leather. It was clear that it was made by no renowned person but of an amateur. So too were his leather shoes the same as rags of the leather, simply made to protect his feet from the uncertain things that lay underneath the leaves.

    A young man with the name of Devin Leaf was looking for rare plants that would grow upon the night of a divine beings birth. Even if Tigers still prowled the night, these rare herbs could be used to make miracle medicines with many benefits to either the health or beauty.

    The herb that he is forging for this night is called Moon’s Tear, a herb that would bloom on the first night after the battle of dominance, in the crevice of an old tree hollow, in the inter-forest.

    This blue plant with gray petals would give off a faint red luminescent glow in the moonlight as white nectar drips from the petals. It’s rare do you want to ensure the finder one platinum coin, to the right buyer. The bounty greater than most merchant ships make every two fiscal years.

    Although many held such knowledge, almost none would be overwhelmed by Greed and reckless abandonment on this particular night. For many scavengers and predictors would be as common as weeds. Well, vultures influx of death with a blanket the sky. A terrifying sight for anything that holds even the 1 ounce of respect for their life and well-being would not go near the forest after the war.

    Not to mention no man or woman would not know how or when the new divine being would act. They were kept at by the uncertainty of the new being’s nature that would be established. Many wonders if it is for their benefit or destruction.

    The norm is to give grievance for the bed and rest that day. Though a couple of fools did still exist in every human did exist.

    Devin Leaf in his poor state, only dreaming of wealth and adventure are his only desires. Hearing the many stories from merchants, travelers, and the whisperings of the cities underbelly are his current means of education. One such story of these rarities he heard once behind the stables of an old inn he was dumpster diving at. The fable compelled him to act this night to find the Moon’s Tear to acquire a merchant’s fortune.

    As Devin continues in his nightly stroll, screams and grunts could be heard no closer than 50 steps away. In a sudden stupor, he put out the fire on his hands and wait for its eyes his eyes readjust to the silver moonlight.

    Soon as the sent of copper fills his nostril, he knew that blood was indeed spilled, and soon he would be surrounded by many beasts if he didn’t run away from here. In all reality instead of slowly creeping away, he chose to run. Not only did he attract the attention of many eyes in the forest, but even some shadows also start to follow his own.

    He is continuing to run for several minutes before buckling under his weight gasping for air as panic continues to rush through his mind. As his composure and breath were shortly recovered without incident, he continues to wander through the forest under the moonlight.

    He wanders in between the trees and rocks, ignorantly passing by many of herbs and magical plants worth a king’s ransom until he found a pair red glow on between the hollow of an old weathered Oak tree. Devin becomes excited after noticing the glow; he took out a hand shovel, a small pot, and a small metal flask to catch the plants white milk from the leaves.

    After storing away the flask into his rucksack, Devin carefully looks around holding a glowing potted plant in his hands. He careful starts to walk back towards town. His actions could make anyone see his lack of education since the plant is not covered and is drawing the attention of many gazes of the forest’s wildlife. Miraculously, many predators of the night are weary during this night of magic overflow within the forest.

    One would think that Devin would have common sense and leave the same way he came by backtracking to town, but he has now become lost.

    He comes To a clearing with a small rock formation centered as a natural landmark. Kevin leaves of the trees and is coming to the rock formation in the clearing. He walks towards it and looks at his surroundings only to see a human figure looking at him.

    Kevin starts to panic as he wonders if this figure would want to rob him. Walking in judgment from not wanting to set the party crasher in his hands on fire. He gets down. Kevin hides himself and the red light of the plant to in a crevice.

    The human silhouette is getting closer, revealing a feminine figure. While she was coming into focus, a pair of dark green eyes seems to meet his own eyes. Kevin’s quickened heart flutters like a bird in flight. He desires to run as fast as possible in the opposite direction of this woman. Sadly his desire was stolen from him as his consciousness went dark.