by | Jan 30, 2023 | Blog Post

Can this Help Me write!?!? – AI Tools what does it mean for me in writing



In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been making its way into the world of writing. AI tools such as ChatGPT3 and ChatGPT are being used to help writers create content faster and more efficiently. But what does this mean for the future of writing? In this blog post, well explore the pros and cons of using AI tools in writing and what the future of writing looks like with AI.

ChatGPT3 and ChatGPT

ChatGPT3 and ChatGPT are two AI tools that are being used in writing. ChatGPT3 is a natural language processing (NLP) tool that uses a deep learning algorithm to generate text. It can be used to generate content for blogs, articles, and even books. ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a chatbot that can be used to generate conversations. It can be used to create dialogue for stories, scripts, news articles, and other types of writing.

The Pros of AI Tools in Writing

One of the biggest advantages of using AI tools in writing is that it can help writers create content faster and more efficiently. AI tools can generate content quickly, which can save writers time and energy. AI tools can also help writers come up with ideas and generate content that they may not have thought of on their own.


The Cons of AI Tools in Writing

While AI tools can be helpful in writing, there are also some drawbacks. AI tools can be expensive, and they may not always generate content that is of high quality. Additionally, AI tools can’t always capture the nuances of human language, which can lead to content that is not as engaging or interesting as content written by humans.

The Future of Writing with AI

The future of writing with AI is still uncertain. AI tools are becoming more advanced, and they are being used in more and more areas of writing. However, it is unlikely that AI tools will ever completely replace human writers. AI tools can be helpful in generating content quickly and efficiently, but they can’t always capture the nuances of human language.

The Voice of the Author!???!!?!

So…. For those that have been with me long enough to hear or read my voice of writing when I am informative and serious tell the difference in the writing style? That is a blog post that was written by one of the above mention AI’s now was it the one advertised or another like Novelai? Well I won’t tell. It is up to writers to find and work with tools that become their trade.

It can indeed be very useful as it said in generating ideas. In fact here is an example. But only read it if you don’t want spoilers.

Spoiler WARNING for Changed Races story.

From a prompt I gave I was given three different similar scenes that gave me an idea of how I will interact two key characters first interactions with the future or past of the story. I don’t plan on coping or using these prompts as cut and paste as that is not how I want the story to go and the context of setting and place are not right in my eyes. Now here is the example


Write a fight scene between a teenage boy that can halfway transform into a dragon and a girl that can transform into a halfway spider like Spider-Man while having flirtatious banter. The boy is hiding his dragon transform and appears and acts like a snake or lamía. For one chapter of a story book.

Scene 1

The teenage boy, whose name was Drake, was sitting alone on a park bench, minding his own business, when a girl appeared in front of him. She had long, dark hair and a mischievous glint in her eye.

“Hey there, snake boy,” she said, smirking. “I’ve been looking for you.”
Drake’s heart skipped a beat. He knew that she knew his secret – that he could halfway transform into a dragon. He had always been careful to keep his powers hidden, but it seemed that she had found out.

“What do you want?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
The girl shrugged. “I just want to see what you can do,” she said. “I’m a spider girl, you know. I can do some pretty cool things too.”

Drake felt a surge of anger and fear. He didn’t want to fight her, but he knew he had to. He stood up from the bench and took a deep breath, preparing to unleash his dragon form.

But before he could, the girl lunged forward, her body suddenly elongating and contorting as she transformed into a spider-like creature. Drake was taken aback by her sudden move and he quickly tried to shift into his dragon form, but it was too late. He felt her webs wrap around him, pulling him into her embrace.

“You’re not so tough, are you?” she said, her voice low and seductive.
Drake struggled against her grip, but he couldn’t break free. He glared at her, feeling a mix of anger and attraction.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” he growled, trying to flirtatiously banter.
The girl’s eyes sparkled as she leaned in closer to him. “I know,” she whispered.

And with that, she kissed him, catching him off guard. The kiss was passionate and intense, and Drake couldn’t help but respond. As they broke the kiss, Drake looked at her and said, “Spider girl, let’s go on a date sometime?”
The girl smiled and nodded, “I’d like that, dragon boy.”
And with that, they parted ways, leaving the park and leaving the onlookers confused about what just happened.

As they walked away from each other, both knew that they had met someone special and unique, and that they would meet again. The boy couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his stomach as he thought of the girl. He had never felt this way before, and he couldn’t wait to see her again. The girl felt the same, and couldn’t wait for the next time they would meet and battle again. The story of their battle and flirtatious banter would be told for years to come.

Scene 2

The teenage boy and girl stood facing each other in the empty field, both ready for a fight.

“So, you’re the one who’s been causing trouble in the city,” the girl said, her spider-like abilities giving her an edge as she crouched low, ready to strike.
The boy, trying to play it cool, replied, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just a snake, slithering through the grass.”
The girl rolled her eyes. “Please, I know what you can do. I’ve seen you transform.”

The boy’s facade dropped and he let out a fierce growl, his body beginning to contort and change as he halfway transformed into a dragon.
The girl didn’t flinch, her own powers activating as she transformed into a spider-like creature.

The two lunged at each other, the boy’s dragon claws clashing against the girl’s spider legs. They exchanged blows, each trying to gain the upper hand.
“You know, you’re not half bad,” the girl said, dodging one of the boy’s attacks.

“Neither are you,” the boy replied, a smirk on his face.

The fight continued, the two evenly matched as they battled back and forth. But ultimately, the girl was able to land the final blow, knocking the boy unconscious.
“Looks like I won this round,” the girl said, panting heavily as she returned to her human form.

The boy, also back in his human form, groaned and opened his eyes. “Yeah, but don’t think this is the end of it. I’ll be back.”

The girl gave him a playful smirk. “I’ll be waiting.”

Scene 3

The teenage boy and girl stood facing each other, ready for battle. The boy’s eyes glinted with a hint of mischief as he slinked closer to the girl, his movements snake-like.
“Well, well, well,” he said, his voice dripping with flirtation. “Looks like we have ourselves a little showdown. I’m Jake, by the way. And you are?”

The girl, whose name was Lily, rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at the corners of her lips. “I’m not interested in your games, Jake. Let’s just get this over with.”
With a smirk of his own, Jake lunged forward, his body transforming halfway into that of a dragon. Lily was taken aback for a moment, but quickly regained her composure, her own body transforming halfway into that of a spider.

The two fought fiercely, their powers evenly matched. Jake’s dragon form gave him strength and speed, but Lily’s spider form gave her agility and the ability to cling to surfaces.

As they battled, their banter continued, with flirtatious jabs and witty comebacks flying between them. But despite the playful nature of their words, their fighting was deadly serious.

Finally, Jake landed a powerful punch that sent Lily crashing to the ground. She lay there for a moment, dazed, but quickly jumped back to her feet.

“You know,” she said, panting slightly. “I’ve never had so much fun fighting someone before. Maybe we should team up sometime?”

Jake grinned, his dragon form receding as he offered her a hand to help her up. “I’d like that,” he said. “But next time, let’s see if we can take it up a notch. I want to see what you’re really made of.”

Lily took his hand and pulled herself up, laughing. “I’ll look forward to it.”
And with that, the two parted ways, already planning their next battle and looking forward to the thrill of the fight.

My Thoughts…..

I thought they were interesting and well written for short scenes. What about you?

I will be having the scene be completely different and this would only be good for when they first meet but not for when the “reader” will first meet them. Also I feel the the bot writes in a way that is more tell then show based on my writing in the prompt. Though those are my thoughts.

I will not tell you what and what not to do but be aware of what you want to write and what will count as your work, copy, and what write you will have of it when using these tools and what policies that companies may change in the future.

Written by JediChristensen

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