About Me

I Wish to Take you 

To Another World of Imagination




It’s about Me

Hi. My name is as read above. I love to hike, swim and read. I am writing. I made this site to help me express one of my passions and maybe help someone who is having a hard day.

I am a college student that is majoring in social media marketing, and this is a process. I love my family. I like to help people.

I have A.D.D. ( Attention-deficit Disorder) and go on living. So you will get to know me better as I write more. I am horrible with names, but almost never forget a face.

I will continue to update this about me as more things come to mind.

Hi. My name is as read above. I love to hike, swim and read. I am writing. I made this site to help me express one of my passions and maybe help someone who is having a hard day.

Remember that I am learning as I make this website.

I will continue to update this about me as more things come to mind.


Read for Fun

Keep up to date with new releases. I wish for you to enjoy your time immersed in the stories that you will come to love.