On the high cliffs, overlooking an ocean of forest that stretches beyond the vision into the setting sun. The sky, painted pink and red the golden clouds further encompass the sky.A group of boys surrounds surround an old shrine covered in ivory and ash. The small pit fires cast shadows all around, as they dance by the wind.Amongst the boys, one with short messy black hair is standing in front overlooking a stone chest. A bystander would think of them as tomb raiders in an ancient Egyptian crypt. His obsidian eyes gleam over what mystery awaits to be uncovered.

    Those around him are looking on with eyes filled with excitement, nervousness, curiosity, and fear. If one were to look into their minds, a course of chaos would sing to all those around.As this boy covered in tattered clothes and brimming with confidence put his hands on the stone chest, “Kiel, you don’t have to go with this dare. We can take a picture as proof and go back,” said one of the voices among the crowd.

    Well keeping his hand on the tomb, he turned around with a great smile on his face, exclaiming, “As my name is Signs, no task will be left half done without vigor.I was dared to reveal the ravings about stories, fables, and accounts of monsters by the shrine guards to be real or false.So we are here to put an end to the babbling. I will know unveil what’s in this cryptic chest of stone.”

    A suntanned hand pushed the lid off, breaking many vines of red ivy that encloses the stone. Snapping sounds like stone grinds.The running of footsteps can be heard from the boys as shouting is coming desperately. Many of the boys turn around with puzzled face seeing the guardians screaming desperately with a mix of profanity.Many of the boys start to scatter until a pulse of energy ruptures from the stone chest nocking them down into the dirt. Kiel is paralyzed by a strong murderous intent grasps around him.

    Black mist billows and falls from the orifice. Growling emanates from the mist itself. Red human hands materialize around every joint of Kiel’s body. Another blue hand clasps around his throat. Muffled screams emanate from Kiel’s body. The boys that witness the terror forming In front their as either crawl away screaming in fright or bodily fluid release unable to move awaiting death.In those mirrors of terror, a reflection of a giant gray wolf the size of a cow is forming from the mist.

    The body of Kiel lifts into the air. Invisible arms seem to drag him to the open jaws that await Kiel warmly. Muffled screams and a struggling body is seen entering, feet first. The last sight of the world was an explosion of red light. Time slows down as his memories flow his eyes as darkness encompasses him and pain swallow him whole.

    Blood gushes from the maw of the wolf while cringing under the red light. In this moment of stillness, a spear pierces it’s hide. Howls of pain erupt from the wolf gnashing teeth. Parts of the body fall apart into black mist as it is just an illusion. More explosions of red light ignite near the grey beast. He is driving it back over the cliff edge.

    The wolf seemed to be burning as it a trail of smoke smoldering behind. Hitting the forest floor, the mass of black mist snakes into the woods, not even a body behind.Upon the cliff, the guardians are restraining the boys that are still frozen in the face with fear plastered faces. Only pieces of their fracture minds keep them conscience with dead eyes.The guardians continue to curse as sailors while resealing the stone chest and now waits for the police to take away the trespassers.