Day-way to Freedom Chapter 1: A simple Days’ start

The main book cover for the story Day-way to Freedom. Featuring the main heroine 24 or Days as she is also known. Her red flows in the wind of a ruined human city at sunrise

Chapter 1: A simple Days’ start


It was the start of an early day like any other, and I was to meet the master. I made sure to wake up earlier today and remove the cord at my neck so that I could talk with him more today. I love to hear his stories that he tells us while we are being fitted for the day’s chores.

I sneak out of the bed chambers before the other girls wake up and go to the restroom to freshen up. I ensure my red hair doesn’t hide my face and my blue eyes are as bright as always. Next, I would make sure to wipe down my body with some soap, water, and towels before handing it up to dry for the next towel. I was told the boys were not given scented soaps to save on cost but that they didn’t mind. Oh, I got distracted. Next, I would run maintenance checks on the bio-electric systems and remove the magnetic batteries we charged in our sleep.

Master Yi once told me that humans were once weaker and could bearly charge a bulb before our bio-electric levels were artificially upgraded. I asked him what it meant, but he said that I would understand one day, just like how half of our brain is awake when we sleep to run the compound in our sleep as processors. How could we still be half awake when my eyes are closed and I dream? So silly.

None of the pathways are bugged or blocked, and all are functioning at maximum compacity. I make sure to leave my palmprint ID check code for the daily maintenance check and get dressed in a new set of work clothes. Breathable cloth with open slits for the pathways of the arms and legs. Now, I am ready to see Master Yi!

I stood before a small open house that used sliding wooden doors. Master Yi is sitting in the center of the building on a metal plate that is shining with green light. The skylight showed on Master Yi, illuminating his reflective gray exoskeleton and causing his emerald robe to shimmer.

Once Days steps past the threshold, the eyes of this Buddhist statue-like figure open. Yellow and golden rings shimmer and shake slightly on his black eyes. His stiff face loosens, and he seems no different from us if not for the creases from the exoskeleton and green shimmering hair the same as his robes.

His eyes squint, and his mouth widens into a smile holding out his hands. I run into his embrace, and he pats my head as usual. I always wonder if this is what a parent is supposed to be like. Though his embrace isn’t warm like with my sisters, I am still happier now than at any other time during the day. I return the smile looking up at him in the eyes.

He quickly pushes me away. “24, it is great to see you, but I need to remind you that you need to keep to the sleep schedule to have optimal sleep for recovery for the next day’s duties and not to burden the others with heavier processing during the rest hours. We want all to stay in optimal condition,” reprimanded Master Yi.

“Sorry, master. I wanted you to tell me more stories today with the extra time during my fitting.”

“I comply.”

“Thank you!”

“Now 24, what is your designated station today?”

“That would be mithril and silver mine, master.”

“Yes, then a drill, beam emitter, external goggles, lights, and a detachable respirator.”

“Master, can we continue with that story now?”

Master Yi nodded as he waved a hand. The floor opened up, revealing many different machines and equipment. They shimmered, circled around, and rested against Days’ arms, legs, back, and head. She continued to be pressed with equipment and armor. He walks up to the crowded Days touching the equipment to have it pressed to her body. Slight sparks emit from her skin and the equipment on contact.

It always tickles when the master does this. “Now, what tale should I share today,” questions Master Yi. “Ah, how about Grand Desert to the south? Did you know that there is a land of immense heat due south of here that is filled with near endless small pebbles as fine as salt as far as the human eye can see?”

“What a strange place. Would we visit that place one day?”

“Only if need to process a large quantity of glass here while the rest of the ingredients are shipped here. Though it isn’t scheduled, we can plan it for another day.”

“Master, what else is there in the desert?”

“The sand moves and shifts to look as frozen waves of water, but don’t let that fool you, little one; great insects wait for prey that shifts on the sand above until they are ready to attack.”

“Are the insects like those in the mines and the bats?”

“No, they are bigger, but usually easier to notice from their lures and sinking sands.”

“Is the desert not that scary of a place, then?”

“No, the heat can be deadly as we can both overheat without water in any direction for miles. But it is also another location for a power station.”

“Hey, Master, I have always wondered why we charge batteries here while we sleep.”

“Simple, we need them for when we need to leave the compound for the equipment, and myself included.”

“But, I have never seen you with batteries or any cords ever connected to you?”

“You see, 24; the electricity is distributed in the air within the compound. It is also why you and all of my friends can move around with much ease.”

“So, is that why your hair is always shimmering green light?”

“Yes and no, my child. However, that is enough on this topic. Is there something you would like to hear about?”

“Master Yi, can I please visit that place you told me about last week? You know, the ocean one day?”

“That would be more difficult than the desert, but we will see about it in the future. Now you are fully equipped, and the Sun has risen. It is now time for you to get the transport to the mine.”

“Thank you, Master! I will see you back tonight after I am done with my duties before dinner.” I made sure to show my brightest smile before departing. I find it odd that his face becomes like a statue again when we leave, but I can ask him that some other time. Thirty-four should be at the depo by now, ready to work with me.




Written by JediChristensen

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