by | Jan 30, 2022 | Uncategorized

Surprise! Not a surprise that Plague our Leadership



What is it that we aspire to be? That is what many of us are asked, and many leaders have failed to do so in their seats of power. One of the most famous quotes from John F Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” As Americans and all the people of the world, we have been called to ack and do better for our communities. Now some of us live our quiet lives, be good neighbors, and don’t go out of our way to cause trouble. Sadly trouble tends to come looking for each of us.
In these past few years, we have seen that mismanagement has come from all walks of life to trip their fellow men to get ahead in life and reap the benefits to have what they want or to have their agendas fulfilled.
It has been fairly evident in fact at a lot of the blatant scams and false narrative being pushed unto us the citizens to deal and play with like those that aspire for power have continued to move forward, hoping that they will continue not to be impaled by their fellow conspirators, actions, or moronic actions.
Some even do horrible and grievous things, and they are not trialed, reprimanded, or given any penalties. Even worse, their behavior is inflated from saying they’re sorry to feel morally superior but doing nothing. So many problems come from shirking, denying, or scapegoating responsibility. Even other groups will be paid to move the narrative from the public interest to get people to forget or move on so they can go and stay in power and ignore the problem. So let’s look back and talk about one of my favorite moments of nonsense that was said to us, the American people.
The BLM and Antifa riots are destroying city buildings from arson, looting, vandalism, and more. A lone news reporter stands in front of the raging fire; an inferno engulfed the building behind him with people all around, and he said, “I want to be clear about how I characterized this. This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly, but a fire has been started.” Many in the media and leadership of the nation called these riots mostly peaceful protests or the Summer of Love, with smiles on their faces. I ask you. Do you believe that you need to be babied and have the intelligence of a three-year-old or a cow? Please ask yourself if what your leaders are saying reflects the behavior of I am superior, and you are my random citizen whom I love.
Many of the people who committed these crimes said that the business they destroyed was insured, and it was no big deal. Even when the spread of COVID was running rampant, it was acceptable to gather into crowds. Sadly death has happened during these times, and all the people that committed these acts of violent behavior were arrested and released back on the streets the next day scot-free.
In the last couple of months, organized flash mob looting has been occurring rampantly. People come into stores with calculators to keep under the legalized amount to steal as a misdemeanor. You could look to the new age train robberies happening or just the other day and the 80 guns that went missing in shipment and now on the black market and say that we need more gun reform and gun laws as they drive the police away.
So how is to blame for this gross mismanagement and neglect of duty to those they swore to serve and uphold? Could it be the police chief? Could it be the mayor? Could it be the district judge? Could it be the Senator? Could it be even the President of the United States of America?
Sadly to most, the opinions of the individual are not all that important; it seems, unless you scream on Twitter or a mob of rioters.




Written by JediChristensen

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