Naga Pro Review

The Naga Pro is a wireless gaming mouse with interchangeable side hubs to suit your needs and gaming style. It is designed to give you the edge over your friends and competition in e-sports. There is no lag on the wireless function, and it works well with my device. You can even customize the different types of keys and keymaps for said hotkeys with a free digital app.
So it really is a great mouse, but I do have a really big setback on this mouse is that it doesn’t have all of its functionality workable for the Mac IOS, which I am working on. I originally bought this mouse so that I would be able to have fast reached to hotkeys when making my digital art, video, and music editing, along with Blender. Also, I am a new user of many of these programs and thought it would save me time, but sadly, I could not do what I wanted.
The digital program that lets us customize your mouse is called Razer Synapse. The 2nd edition is compatible with Mac OS but doesn’t support the new models such as the Naga Pro. A similar model with a cable is usable, but I need the space for the memory bank and charging port, plus I would also have to buy an adapter. Sadly the Naga Pro is only recognized in the third generation, which is for PC 10 and 11 users.
So now I need to figure out other workarounds to map what I want onto the keys themselves, increasing my workaround and time required between different computers. It is an expensive mouse at $150.00, while a wired one can be bought for $40.00. I find it troubling that as Mac evolves, it becomes slightly less convent to third Party supplies that help in the long run. So if you are a Mac user, try to find something that is more user-friendly, like an older molder of the Logic pro. If you are a Windows PC 10 or 11 user, then go with this mouse.
Although I have a little frustration from it, the mouse easily guilds; I only need to make small movements with it to move along the screen. The Logitech Pebble that I use for my Tablet has to be dragged along with my entire arm to get the same movent on screen. So all drops down to convenience and seconds of time that can be saved from each different mouse that is used.